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Parcel Monitor: Carrier Performance During Peak Season 2021


(Image Source: Parcel Monitor)

Carrier performance during the much-anticipated peak season period is critical for e-commerce businesses worldwide. When order volumes increase and couriers are inundated with last-minute requests, the performance of your carrier can make or break your business. With this in mind, our media partner Parcel Monitor has taken a closer look at how the top few couriers in North America fared during peak season last year.

Some of the key highlights of the report are as follows:

  • 4 out of 5 North American couriers saw their parcel volumes increase by more than 80% during Black Friday sales in 2021.
  • Between 2017 and 2022, the US Couriers & Local Delivery Services industry grew 6.9% on average per year.
  • China, Canada and Mexico were the top 3 parcel origin countries for cross-border purchases made in the US.

Head over to Parcel Monitor to download the full report.

About Parcel Monitor

Parcel Monitor is a community initiated by e-commerce logistics enthusiasts at Parcel Perform. We aim to inspire the e-commerce logistics ecosystem to create a better delivery experience for everyone.

Parcel Monitor offers free parcel tracking across 900+ carriers globally on a single platform. Leveraging on our data and technology, we capture consumer trends, provide market visibility and derive industry insights while fostering collaboration across the entire e-commerce industry.