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$9.5M invested for pest and disease management for safer produce trade


Australia is boosting its reputation for high-quality produce with a $9.5M injection into pest and disease risk management measures for safer trade. 

Led by the CSIRO and delivered through Hort Innovation in partnership with all Australian States and Territory Governments, they will work closely with domestic biosecurity regulators to strengthen science-backed management of phytosanitary risks. 

This will make it easier for growers to conduct safe cross-border trade and facilitate international market access by demonstrating Australia’s commitment to its biosecurity system. 

As part of the four-year effort, researchers will work with State and Federal Governments to develop and refine a ‘toolkit’ that can be used to improve state-level decision-making about biosecurity risks and how these are best managed. 

The tools will also support international market access negotiations and provide a way for Australian growers and exporters already effectively managing their production chains to demonstrate that their fruit, vegetables and nuts present a low biosecurity risk. 

The project will build on Australian industries’ excellent practices in this area, facilitate better use of data in plant biosecurity risk management and include new and emerging technologies such as optical grading and automated pest surveillance. 

CSIRO project lead Dr. Rieks van Klinken said strong scientific tools would help Australia’s horticulture sector by supporting its robust biosecurity system and underpinning new and existing market access opportunities. 

Additionally, it would make it easier for biosecurity regulators to incorporate commercial practices into biosecurity system processes and ultimately enable industry to deliver high-quality, low pest-risk consignments into treatment facilities or directly into domestic and international markets. 

The project is supported by the CSIRO, Federal and all State Governments, with additional funding contributions from Apple and Pear Australia Limited, Fruit Growers Tasmania and the apple and pear levy.