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9 Supply Chain Professional Skills You Needs

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


The current pandemic has affected most businesses which have caused a lot of professionals to lose their jobs. If you are one of them and are having a challenging time looking for one, why not use the time to upskill and plot a career game plan while in quarantine? 

We’ve rounded up the top skills you need to enhance for the supply chain industry.  

Project Management  

With a lot of coordination happening in a supply chain, you need to be competent with managing people, timeline, and results. A good project manager will not only fast track processes but will yield desirable results. 

Tech Savviness 

Being able to understand advanced procurement systems is an edge. It will make your life easy and you can focus on more important things if you use technology to your advantage.  

Business Ethics 

Not everyone highlights this on the job ads but having business ethics from the beginning will strengthen your career development. It will help you make sound decisions and compromises when you must.  

Understanding cross-cultural and global issues 

The supply chain is global, one way or the other you will have a business outside your hometown and country. By understanding diverse cultures and global issues, you will be able to strategise partnerships that will mutually benefit both parties. 

Reading finance statements 

Business is not a business without the numbers. Like other reports you generate, reading financial statements will help you project cashflows, helping you once again decide for your company direction.  

But what about ‘soft’ skills 

Gone are the days when these skills are considered ‘soft’. These skills are now essential not just in the supply chain but in the entire workforce.  


Overrated skill, but essential. Being able to communicate well can inspire team members, close sales, and get approval from the management. 

Time Management 

They say that we cannot manage our time. Hence, we need to manage ourselves, becoming more productive or accomplishing more things in a span of your working hours can do wonders. It’ll create an equilibrium for your work and personal life.  


Our business lies in the hand of the people we know. Networking is a fundamental skill as it can create a bridge to people who may become your mentors and business partners. It also extends the word-of-mouth marketing as a good relationship build up your credibility.  

Desire to learn 

We will not possess all these skills if we do not have the desire to learn. Whether it is from books, mentors, webinars, summits, or continuous education, learning will sharpen our saw overtime.  

The gap 

As a gap is defined with these skills, universities shall aim to balance technical and essential kills. This gap is also a call for professionals to pay it forward by dedicating time to educate newcomers.  

For a better workforce, companies could also look at refining L&D to hone their managers with these skills.  

The future of supply chain 

In the next coming years, companies will acquire the demand for better skills on demand management, relationship and collaboration, cost management, and specific tech knowledge.  

Are you ready to shift careers? Check our job board 

Are you interested in more learning? Read articles from our industry thought leaders.