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Australia Post and Australian Red Cross to help communities hit by disaster


Australia Post is teaming up with Australian Red Cross to help provide support to disaster affected communities.

Post Offices across the country are now accepting donations for the Australian Red Cross Disaster Response and Recovery Fund, in which the funds raised will be used to help Australian Red Cross deploy specialist emergency volunteers, provide psychological first aid and support at evacuation centres, and help people get in touch with loved ones when disaster strikes.

Australia Post serves as the Australia Red Cross’ National Community Partner and Official Postal and Logistics provider, with the goal of ensuring that the community services charity is prepared to activate response services directly to affected areas when needed.

AusPost Executive General Manager of Community and Consumer Nicole Sheffield said the postal services company has a large presence in rural and remote Australia and is often known as the place where communities come together to stay connected.

“We know it can be an extremely emotional time for people impacted by the devastation of disasters and our partnership with Australian Red Cross is another way Australia Post can help communities when they need it most,” Sheffield said.

“I want to recognise and give my heartfelt thanks to all those who donate to support Australian Red Cross and these communities, and also to the emergency services and volunteers who work around the clock to protect people in these areas,” she said.

Andrew Coghlan, Head of Emergency Services at Australian Red Cross says thousands of trained Red Cross volunteers are standing by to help community members in disaster affected areas in the immediate aftermath and support their recovery in the longer term.

“We live in one of the most disaster prone regions in the world and our trained emergency services volunteers and staff are ready to assist. They are experts in their field and many have lived through fire, floods or cyclones in their own communities,” Coghlan said.

He continued that a donation to the Disaster Response and Recovery Fund means Red Cross teams can continue to be there to help people during emergencies here in Australia.

“It means we can get our Red Cross teams out on the road to prepare people for emergencies, provide support as they happen and help them recover afterwards,” he said.

Source: Australia Post newsroom