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DP World Australia resumes its operations after cyberattack 


DP World Australia is pleased to declare that the operations continued at the company’s ports across Australia last following the effective trial of key systems short-term. 

The director of the Freight and Trade Alliance, Paul Zalai, said limited operations had resumed, with DP World’s docks at Brisbane and Fremantle restarting the movement of imports and exports first. 

“We have heard from one of our members, who say DP World told them it’ll be another two weeks before accepting export cargo at (Sydney’s) Port Botany. That’s going to have devastating effects on our operators,” Zalai said. 

The company expects that roughly 5000 compartments will move out of the four Australian terminals. 

The cyberattack on a few of the ports of DP World has impacted the port operations, the majority of which were imports and commodities for the upcoming occasion and Christmas season. 

The continuous investigation and response to protect networks and systems might cause a few important, brief disruptions to their administrations. This is a part of an investigation cycle and continuing normal strategic operations at this scale. 

DP World Australia is proceeding to work intimately with the National Cyber Security Coordinator, the Australian Cybersecurity Centre, the Australian Federal Police, Minister for Home Affairs and Cybersecurity Clare O’Neil, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King, and other relevant government regulators and bodies.