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Is your brand really seen and safe?


As the country moves swiftly towards the recovery phase of this crisis, brands are reopening their doors, ready to welcome customers back in store. But the customers are going to be more powerful than ever before. Brands must get ready to face their next great challenge – increased competition. The market’s about to get even tougher.

Some brands aren’t waiting for their competitors to get it right so they can follow suit. They are taking smart steps and making sure their brand is both seen and safe. Customers aren’t excited about how high the Perspex is in your store; they’re interested in how you are going to make a difference in their purchasing experience. So how do you get their attention and ensure safety?

Innovative Displays

The smartest brands have been investing more than ever in marketing and promotion. They’re designing innovative digital and print displays to ensure their branding is seen and capturing the attention of their customers. They’re turning restrictions into opportunities. For example; social distancing measures require customers to stand 1.5 meters apart, with a limited number of people allowed in-store, this is resulting in long queues. It’s interesting that brands are not using this inconvenience to their advantage.

I give you brand A and brand B:

Brand A

Brand B

Which brand would you want to do business with?

Remember that EVERY customer queuing to make a purchase will be looking down to ensure they are adhering to the restrictions. This is actually a fantastic marketing opportunity; you have their attention – so make the most of it. Put your customer in the picture.

The same goes for queues outside the store – what do your customers have to look at?

Colorcorp’s BrandSeen checklist ensures your brand is ready for this next challenge, we assess the key branding opportunities for your business and benchmark against industry leaders.

Innovative Safety Measures

Whilst customers are desperate to return to normality, brands must recognise that there will be a major behavioural shift. Customers are more concerned than ever about safety and putting themselves in safe environments. As to are employees, they want to know they are being protected as much as possible.

Hand sanitiser is now available at entry across the vast majority of brands, as they look to ensure customers, they are providing that safety net. But is it enough?

By demonstrating a vigilant safety-first culture, brands will win the confidence of customers and staff alike.


Customers will soon be back. Do you have an edge over your competitors to ensure they come back to you? Brands that invest in making sure their brand is both seen and safe are those who are going to win the attention (and wallet share) of customers.

Learn more about their BrandSeen checklist and how they are helping brands create safer environments for their staff and customers.