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John O’Brien of Bright Pattern on the challenges retailers are facing globally


Businesses all over the world are facing a rapidly evolving retail landscape, and the multitude of challenges has caused huge changes in the way retailers operate and compete with one another.

The impact of global events such as economic fluctuations, supply chain disruptions, and shifting consumer expectations has added an extra layer of complexity to an already dynamic industry. In this era of transformative change, retailers are navigating uncharted territory as they strive to stay relevant, profitable, and ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive global marketplace

Related: Key Trends that Retailers Should Look Out For

Supply Chain Channel has reached out to Bright Pattern General Manager Australia and New Zealand John O’Brien to discuss the ever-shifting nature of the retail landscape and how one can stay above it.

John started with an international marketing career with Hewlett Packard in Australia, Europe and the US for over 17 years. Part of that journey has led him to the contact centre industry and he started Genesys in the mid 90’s in Australia and New Zealand. Since then, he has been in the Service Management industry and brought Omnichannel concepts to that space.

Check out our latest Featured Leader interview with Bright Pattern’s John O’Brien as he shares his thoughts on the global retail challenges.