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MSQ launches $5M plan to strengthen Qld manufacturing


Manufacturing Skills Queensland has unveiled its 2024-25 Annual Training Plan, backed by a substantial $5.06 million investment from the state government.

This initiative aims to bolster and future-proof Queensland’s manufacturing sector through strategic workforce development and innovation, as revealed in a media release.

“We’re focused on doing what matters for Queensland, so this new funding is about creating more secure, well-paying jobs and driving our mighty manufacturing industry forward,” stated Lance McCallum, Queensland Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development.

“This funding is pivotal in creating secure, well-paying jobs and propelling our manufacturing industry forward.”

The comprehensive plan, developed in collaboration with over 300 industry stakeholders, focuses on transformation, sustainability, and strategic workforce planning.

It aims to equip local manufacturers with the skills and capabilities needed to thrive in an evolving global market.

Glenn Butcher, Queensland Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing, emphasised the plan’s role in fostering innovation and growth: “This new investment and plan will empower Queensland’s manufacturing sector to innovate and grow.”

Meanwhile, Rebecca Andrews, CEO of Manufacturing Skills Queensland, highlighted the collaborative effort behind the plan.

“The Plan has been a collaborative effort with industry to guide MSQ and Queensland Government investment in training, skills, and workforce planning and we’re grateful for the insights hundreds of industry leaders and stakeholders have shared with us over the recent months,” she explained.

Key programs under the 2024-25 Annual Training Plan include the Women in Trades Mentoring program, aimed at supporting female apprentices, and the Higher Level Learning subsidy to enhance leadership skills.

These initiatives are designed to attract new talent and upskill the existing workforce, paving the way for a robust and sustainable manufacturing future in Queensland.

“This is an important step towards our mission of building a skilled workforce for a future-proofed manufacturing industry,” Andrews concluded.