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Persequor, iTrazo and Facteon join forces to bring end-to-end traceability in fresh food sector


A new collaboration between manufacturing experts and IIoT technology leaders is aiming to deliver what is described as the ultimate in end-to-end- traceability for the fresh food sector.

Danish software development company, Persequor, has teamed up with Australian traceability solution company, iTrazo, and international manufacturing technology business, Facteon, to bring the ultimate protection against food fraud in the APAC region.

The new partnership aims to track the movement of every product from seedling to supermarket, providing protection in the fight against food fraud while securing market access for New Zealand’s fresh food growers, processors and packers.

“Every manufacturer in the fresh produce space has some degree of data archive,” said John Cochrane, General Manager at Facteon Group.

“Now is the time for the fresh food sector to make use of this data to secure the future of their businesses,” Cochrane emphasized.

“We are seeing fresh food growers, processors and packers facing increasing pressure to provide the seedling to supermarket traceability required at border and retailer levels,” he revealed.

He continued that while there are traceability and software systems for the fresh food space, the integration between systems is lacking.

“Facteon brings manufacturing expertise and IIoT connectivity to this partnership, providing much needed real-time information and supply chain connectivity,” he said.

With growing demand for improved visibility over food origins, supermarkets and local governments are also requiring such visibility before admitting fresh food products into the market.

According to Persequor Senior VP of International Markets, Ron Volpe, it is a matter of market access and consumer safety.

“The increasing globalisation of supply chains has made the traceability of fresh produce products far more complex,” Volpe explained.

“For that reason, we are seeing many manufacturers investing in IIoT traceability technologies and track and trace software to futureproof their businesses, ensure market access and demonstrate the level of compliance required by retailers globally,” he said.

Apart from ensuring market access and consumer safety, manufacturers are also needing to take definitive actions to protect their brand in the market.

“This level of supply chain visibility is unprecedented,” revealed Reeanjou Ram, CEO of iTrazo.

“It is also best achieved by looking to other highly competitive, cost sensitive and automated industries,” Ram said.

He continued that this is what motivated Facteon, Persequor and iTrazo to partner to bring the high impact solution to the fresh food space.

Related: iTrazo and Persequor team up to bring end-to-end traceability solution

Facteon has deployed its IIoT technology suite at the facilities of scaled manufacturers operating in Australasia, North America, China and Europe in the consumer goods, processed foods and bottling industries.

“It’s not a matter of simply transplanting the technology,” Cochrane explained.

“Instead, it’s about taking these learnings to the fresh food space,” he said.

While the fresh food industry is unique and has its own set of challenges, the common thread between industries is the need to trace the movement of product at every stage in the supply chain.

This level of protection against food fraud, quality assurance and food safety concerns is where the value lies for fresh food manufacturers and their customers.