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Recycling option arrives in NSW with the opening of new Return and Earn machine


Exchange For Change, the coordinator of the container deposit schemes inside New South Wales, said this marks the subsequent return point in Ballina Shire, upgrading the comfort for local people to reclaim their qualified containers and procure a 10-cent refund.

James Dorney, CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway, the network operator for the scheme, recognised Ballina Shire inhabitants for their noteworthy reusing efforts, outperforming 46 million returned containers, cans, and cartons starting from the commencement of the scheme.

“The convenience of having this new machine at Ballina Central means it’s never been easier to make ‘returning and earning’ part of your weekly routine,” said Dorney.

On the other hand, they can use the Return and Earn application to select an e-voucher or direct payment into their bank account or PayPal.

Additionally, local recyclers have the option of donating their refund to one of the numerous charities listed on the machine or the Return and Earn app.

As of now, Ballina-on-Richmond Rotary is enclosed as the local donation partner on the Ballina machine, with funds raised supporting their indispensable local area work.

Return and Earn has emerged as a critical raising money channel for different causes and local gatherings across NSW, producing more than $47 million since its send-off in 2017.

With more than 10.7 billion containers returned for reusing through the organisation of around 616 return focuses across the express, the plan has offered more than $1.07 billion in discounts back to people in general.

James Dorney urges everybody to partake in the Return and Earn drive, underlining the aggregate effort towards a more maintainable future where materials are kept in the know, diminishing landfills and litter.