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Transport ministers discuss Australia-Singapore green shipping agendas


The national government sees how Australia’s Green Economy Agreement with Singapore can speed up and advance decarbonisation innovations in transportation. 

Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Catherine King met with Singapore’s acting minister for transport Chee Hong Tat on Friday to talk about the 2022 arrangement and the potential open doors for maritime. 

“I am pleased to advise that my department and the Singapore Maritime and Port Authority are working closely together towards deployment of these solutions in a Green Shipping and Digital Corridor in 2025,” said King. 

They additionally examined the potential for additional commitment and coordinated effort between the two nations low-emanations maritime and port operations. 

“The Australian government is committed to reducing emissions across all transport sectors, including by establishing a green and digital shipping corridor between Singapore and Australia to reduce maritime emissions,” said King. 

Australia and Singapore originally reported plans for a green and computerised delivering hall last month. The drive would unite ports, oceanic and energy administrators and controllers. 

She said her visit to Singapore was a valuable chance to detail the public authority’s arrangements to foster a Maritime Emissions National Action Plan, which would mean to outline green progress for Australia’s maritime sector, supporting cooperation with different countries. 

“I was pleased to be able to visit the Singapore Maritime and Port Authority during my trip to examine their shipping operations and port control, leveraging from their world-leading experience in the operation of port facilities.” 

“We also discussed our sustainability ambitions for aviation. Under the Green Economy Agreement both countries will discuss how we can cooperate on sustainable aviation growth while reducing emissions.” 

“I look forward to continuing to drive down transport emissions in Australia while being a leader and maintaining our strong overseas partnerships,” said King.