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Visy opens $50M upgraded glass recycling facility in VIC


Victoria is currently home to Visy’s recently redesigned glass recycling office in Laverton, which will process as much as 200,000 tons of glass every year, including jugs and glass reused from the Container Deposit Scheme.

Visy’s new $50 million upgrade copies the facility’s glass recycling limit and conveys 20 new delivers to handle glass as little as 3mm.

Minister for Environment Steve Dimopoulos opened the site today, which currently can reuse around 150 glass bottles for every Victorian every year.

The new site will likewise recycle materials collected from Victoria’s new kerbside glass bins, changing utilised glass into high-quality food and refreshment compartments while further developing glass-to-glass recycling limits across the state.

Over 220 million containers are now being reused through the Victorian government’s CDS, with an average of around 10 million cans per week.

“It’s incredible to see so many Victorians getting involved in recycling – returning over 220 million containers to be recycled into new products instead of going to landfill or polluting our precious environment,” said Dimopoulos.

By 2030, Victoria hopes to divert 80% of all waste from landfills, creating thousands of new jobs and a $6.7 billion boost to the state’s economy. To accomplish this, the state government has poured more than $515 million in investments towards changing Victoria’s waste and recycling framework.

“This is an important upgrade for Victoria and Visy on our way to manufacturing new glass bottles and jars made with an average of 70 per cent recycled content,” said the Visy Chairman, Antony Pratt.