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$13.5 million biosecurity automation for grain growers

< 1 min read

The NSW Government is launching a $13.5 million biosecurity alert system to protect grain growers from harmful pests and diseases.

This initiative, spanning five years, will focus on developing early detection and diagnostic tools to help identify and manage threats such as wheat blast and fusarium wilt.

Agriculture Minister Tara Moriarty emphasised the importance of proactive measures, stating, “We need to be prepared for any biosecurity risks.” The system will be led by NSW’s Department of Primary Industries and the Grains Research and Development Corporation to safeguard the grain industry and ensure food security.

The biosecurity program aims to mitigate potential threats to one of Australia’s most vital agricultural sectors. Moriarty continued, “Keeping these pests and diseases out is our priority, but if they do get in, we need to be prepared.”

The funding will provide farmers with access to real-time information, improving their ability to respond swiftly to any outbreak or biosecurity risk.

NSW DPI and GRDC’s involvement ensures the initiative has scientific expertise and industry backing. The program highlights the government’s commitment to protecting food production and supporting the state’s farmers as they face increasing risks from climate change and global trade.

Through improved detection and rapid response, the biosecurity alert system will enhance the resilience of Australia’s grain sector, a critical part of the nation’s economy.

This initiative reflects a growing trend towards safeguarding agricultural industries with modern technology and ensuring that Australia remains a leading global producer of grain.


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