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Logistics News Manufacturing

CCLI report shows growth in tech adoption

2 min read

As per the most recent CartonCloud Logistics Index (CCLI) Report, there is a high demand for logistics administrators across Australia, New Zealand and North America are going to innovative industry technology to beat increasing expenses and fulfil client needs in the approaching year.

Logistics companies struggle to keep up with rising operational costs while at the same time satisfying ever-increasing customer demands, which is why they are investing in logistics technology innovation.  

“The world of logistics has moved to the digital realm and the digitisation of the logistics industry has grown significantly in recent years,” said CartonCloud COO/ Head of North America Shaun Hagen. 

“We’re seeing companies of all sizes gaining access to niche and specialised technology,” he said. 

Among the nearly 2,000 people surveyed, 27% said their company would likely invest in artificial intelligence/machine learning in the coming months, 26% in 3D resource planning, and 23% in robotics and automation. These respondents came from a variety of roles and operations. 

“This quarter’s report highlighted how companies are utilising multiple software platforms to build unique tech stacks that reflect the needs of their companies and their customers.” 

“The past few years have seen logistics technology adoption accelerate, especially following the e-commerce and omnichannel ordering boom accelerated by the global pandemic. Data tracking and sharing, and optimisation through using software solutions has become a must-have for all logistics operators, especially smaller businesses trying to compete with the larger players,” said Hagen. 

Outsourcing and industry partnerships are becoming more prominent as businesses focus on data collection and sharing in addition to technical investments. 

With requests expanding and client assumptions for greater administrations and lower costs, operations organizations are searching out and constructing associations to re-appropriate administrations and lift their own ability to take on new business. 

“Warehouse management and transport management software has enabled smaller players to achieve massive gains, and enhanced integration functions allow secure and fast data transfer between industry partners,” said Hagen. 


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