News Automation Operations Manufacturing

Gladstone breaks ground on landmark high purity alumina production facility

2 min read

Alpha HPA has officially begun construction on what is set to become the world’s largest high-purity alumina production facility, located in Gladstone, Queensland.

This major project represents a significant development in the global supply of high-purity alumina, a material critical for advanced technology applications such as LEDs, semiconductors, and lithium-ion batteries.

The facility is being built within the Gladstone State Development Area, using Alpha HPA’s innovative, low-emission technology to produce high-purity alumina with minimal environmental impact. This project will play a vital role in boosting Queensland’s advanced manufacturing industry and establishing Australia as a leader in the global HPA market.

Managing Director Rimas Kairaitis commented on the importance of the project, and said, “We are excited to commence construction of this world-class facility, which will help meet the growing global demand for high-purity alumina. The project represents a major milestone for both Alpha HPA and the Queensland manufacturing sector as a whole.”

“This facility will be the world’s largest HPA production facility and the only facility to use Alpha’s proprietary HPA First Process. As a low-emissions project, we are delighted to be delivering this world-class asset in Gladstone,” he added.

Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing Glenn Butcher highlighted the economic and employment benefits, stating, “Alpha HPA’s project is an example of the type of cutting-edge manufacturing that will grow Queensland’s advanced manufacturing capabilities and create hundreds of good, secure jobs.”

“This facility will create around 300 jobs during construction, and once operational, it will provide up to 120 ongoing jobs. This project is another big win for Queensland, cementing our state’s position as a leader in advanced manufacturing,” Butcher said.

Once completed, the Gladstone facility will be capable of producing thousands of tonnes of high-purity alumina each year, ensuring a stable and secure supply chain for the increasing global demand in technology-driven sectors.

The construction of this facility not only marks a significant achievement for Alpha HPA but also strengthens Australia’s position as a key player in the production of low-emission, high-value materials for global markets.


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